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Monday, October 5, 2009

RyE on Current Status

So I was writing about a particular topic or blog if I should be so politically correct. But my mind starting drifting into a million other things. SO I'll just freestyle this off the dome:

Breakups to Makeups
Lets face it. Breakups suck.

They never happen when you want it to be and they never feel good. The worst part about breaking up is having to go through the public portion of the break up. I'm not a celebrity nor do I ever plan on becoming one but us "regular folks" still get scrutinized for every aspect and decision of our lives by our peers and those we surround ourselves with.

When couples break up your friends start to draw the line. It's worst when a couple starts mixing their friends and now its Team Him vs Team Her. Anyone ever see the movie The Breakup? Yea it's similar to that.

I was having a discussion with my friend who recently went through one. It wasn't a pretty one. But I'm not going to sit here and put her story out on front street. The conversation lead to if I was in that situation I would be in the same position as her ex.

I even had this conversation with my girlfriend about this and even she agrees. And that position would be that I would be the one that is looked at as the sympathy guy. And something SHE did had to cause the relationship to end. I'm going to call this the JT Effect. Let's be honest...homeboy kept it moving (and looks like he's still moving) from one lady to the next and no one EVER shitted on him. Hell they even vilified Janet for showing a titty but um if I'm not mistaken it was Mr. A little overzealous JT that went HARD on the ripoff. But I digress....

It pains me to think that if the break up occurred that petty girls would be lining up to say shit about her. All my life I've maintained good relationships with my ex girlfriends (with the exception of two cunt bags) because you do the right thing.

You put aside the childish games. Be an adult and act in a mature respectful way. I don't care if you were the one that broke it off you can't deny that if they ever meant anything to you that you don't still love them as a person. And leave the sideline acts exactly where they are meant to be....on the sidelines. Teams are for sports don't bring them into a relationship.

Remember that your friends are extensions of you so if they act incorrectly over misinformation that reflects on you. It is your responsibility to calm the fires and by not acting only intensifies the flames.

So to all the people on the wrong side of the breakups I'm here...and I understand.

Dear Me (a few years earlier)

Two of my friends got this crazy idea from the big blog whore Perez Hilton. It's to write a letter to your younger self. Instantly I thought of a witty remark that I would say to myself if I was younger. Then I was thinking that this is a little foolish. I'm only 25 I don't know anymore than I did when I was 21. my overactive brain always does and over analyzes shit I was having a debate with myself that I wouldn't tell younger me anything because they need to go through the mistakes in order to be a better person. (Editors Note: I'm a HUGE believer that you can achieve victory in defeat therefore you never lose).

Finally I came to the realization that what I'm thinking is stupid. I kind of backtracked and realized that there is more to this exercise than meets the eye. This is a therapeutic release. It reminded me of my senior year in HS during my retreat. We had to write down a "nice" thing to your friends. Little did I know that experience would change my life. (That's another story)

I just don't know if I would be ready to write a letter or to what younger version of myself I would write to. I would ideally write this on my death bed. And I would pass it onto my grandkids (all 87 of them lol). But if I had to write one now I would write it to either Junior year HS Rye or Freshmen Year College RyE.

Who knows...maybe in the near future I'll just write to both

A little something you should know

I'm tired of everyone expecting me to live up to THEIR expectations of me. I don't know if you realized this but I am like a BIG jigsaw puzzle. I have many different pieces that make me whole. Some pieces don't make sense until you start to piece them together with other pieces. I like to look at my life as an artform. A movie even. And the ending hasn't been written yet so just sit back and enjoy the art of it.

News flash: I am NOT always cocky. In fact I am a very humble person. I DON'T always have to dictate things. I DON'T always need to win. I NEVER strive to live up to a certain pedigree of others. However I DO like to be emotional. I DO like to be true to myself no matter what. I don't have to pretend to like something just because everyone else does and I don't have to go against the grain just because no one else is.

That's just too much thinking for one person to do. Be real and stay consistent. Just because I act one way one day doesn't mean you should automatically label me as THAT. I am 25 yr old man looking for his way through life and living it the best way I know how. I go through a roller coaster of emotions so when I'm Mr. Popular one day and then the next I put on my nerd glasses know how those two pieces of the puzzles are put together so you get the BIGGER picture of ME.

one. love


Unknown said...

yyaaayyy!!! i heart that you finally BLOGGED and didn't just copy and paste your random convos in here. :)

and as one of the people that participated in the "dear younger me" letter ... i do think you're thinking too much about it. at 27 i know that there are a still a hundred things about me that i haven't learned yet so by no means is this the end all be all. i could probably write a completely different letter in a month. but those are things i have definitely either grown to learn about myself, or accept. i was PAINFULY shy as a kid ... like wouldn't even speak to anyone unless spoken to first. never in my life would i have imagined that i would have done all the public speaking i've done, or know all the people i know, etc.

i've been an emotional sap lately so thanks for being a little puzzle piece in my big puzzle of life. i appreciate you. [aawwwwww]

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