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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

RyE On 2009

I feel like I'm not the only one who is saying this but good riddance to 2009.

I've been going back and forth in my head just how I want this piece to come out. After several revisions for fear of how it was sounding I decided to scrap it altogether and start fresh.

I can't say 2009 was the best year I've ever had but it was certainly a year I will never forget. Much like other years there are ups and there are downs. This year felt like there were more downs than ups but as I sit back and reminisce on the year that was I'm not sure if that's necessarily true.

But maybe that's because I am the eternal optimist.

I believe that with every fall you learn to get up in a different way. And despite me falling I've managed to get up and I will continue to get up each and every time.

Just shy of a month into the year and I was rushed to the hospital. I still have the photo of me in the hospital. I will never forget being in there holding on. I'm not sure I'm ready to accept just how real it got for me. I can't even think that I was that close to the curtain call because I have so much more that I want to do before its all said and done. I will climb another mountain in my life. I will see the other side of the world. I will return home one more time (maybe more). I will run again. Run marathons, hell even do Triathlons. I will have a beautiful wife with like a dozen babies that are all happy and healthy because that is the life I want. I will push myself not because I have something to prove but because I CAN. I refuse to let things stand in my way of living the life that I KNOW I am capable of living, the life that I deserve. So they say I got UC, well yes I do. But in my book UC stands for Under Control!

As I worked on getting my health back and only two short months into the year my family suffered two losses in the battle against cancer. Rest in peace Tita Gloria and Jane Reynolds. You both fought courageously and are true inspirations to never give up. It's never easy saying goodbye to the ones you love. It's harder knowing that you had to suffer in your last days with these cruel diseases. But I want you both to know that you left a remarkable footprint in this world. I see it in our family. I see how we come together in hard times to lift each other back up. You should know that you will never be forgotten because we will continue to shine the light that you started. And we as a family are more united because life is often too short to not love and be there for one another. Till we all meet again know that we miss you everyday and love you very much.

Speaking of losses how about all the untimely deaths of the entertainers that passed in 2009. Although I have no connection to them I hate to hear anyone pass. So for anyone that you touched in this world I would like to thank you for trying to make the world a better place with your talent and contribution to help make us all smile.

The world was shaken with one of "the worst economic downfall in the last 20+ years." No one was safe from that. A lot of my good friends lost their jobs, those that were saved picked up their slack with no compensation. Hiring freezes made it hard to find another job and salary freezes made it hard to press on. I see the light though. When you are down there is only up. I look forward to the new year and seeing a more prosperous year for me and those around me.

I didn't want to make this all about the bad. There are peaks and valley's as I said. Someone very special and dear to me told me that everyday you have a "high" and a "low." She also tends to ask me this whenever she gets a chance. So with all the lows I mentioned I think it's time I start talking about the highs.

2009 High #1 - I took off the pampers and got me some pull ups because I became a big boy! Yes I moved out of my parents house (finally) and into my new condo. (happy dance)

2009 High #2 - I retained my job. Yes I may sound like I hate what I do but I think it's because I feel like it doesn't do anything for my personal goals in wanting to do more for this world. I had to come to realization that although it doesn't satisfy my personal goals I still very much care about what I do. And with everyone losing their jobs I was fortunate to be included into the creation of a brand new entity to be one of the building blocks and foundation to a new company. "Sometimes in dire constraints and insurmountable odds comes great opportunity" - BW

2009 High #3 - "New/deeper friendships" It's always great to maintain friendships that last a life time. My boys have been there for me for the last 13 years. And we see each other grow and experience life together. This year we got to hang out more often as a group than usual. That's the best when we are all together because we rarely ever get to do that with our lives being so busy.

As much as I know those guys will be there for me it's even more rewarding when you rekindle friendships or deepen existing ones.

Honorable mentions go to Miss La La La La. In all honesty we really should thank the Haitian for leaving and making us fill his void lol. You know that sometimes you drive me crazy but I got nothing but love for you. I appreciate all the times you sat and listened to me talk about my culture, my job, my girl and white girls in general along with my *ahem* drought lol. I love our silly conversations and our unusual late night pillow talks that last way longer than I think either of us intend on having. I think I also have met my match in terms of body heat. I always thought I was hotter than the avg person but I will secede and give you the thrown for being the "hottest" person I know lol. I heart you!

2009 High #4 - ALL THE BABIES! So many of them in my fam and my friends/coworkers. I want to call them the Recession Babies lol

2009 High #5 - This one really should be a sub category under #3 but my highest of highs is discovering a very beautiful and colorful mind. I don't got to say anything because you already know what you have meant to me this year. But um...fuck your Yankees lol.

So in conclusion:

Dear 2009,

I Hated You......

You took a lot out of me. First with my health, then with my family we lost some family members, my friends lost jobs, the world around us suffered a tough economic downfall and lost a ton of entertainers that helped make the world smile...

....I wish I could have learned your lessons through less extremes. I felt like I was losing my way. Then things started to turn around for me. And you made me see that despite it all I became a better person, a stronger individual going through what I went through this year. And so for that I appreciate it and look forward to the New Year!

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose"
- Lyndon B Johnson


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

RyE On CnK

These are a few of my favooorite things!!
Chicks N Kicks

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Wikipedia defines addiction as follows:

The meaning of the word addiction in the English lexicon varies according to context. A positive addiction is a beneficial habit-where the benefits outweigh the costs. A negative addiction is a detrimental habit--where the benefits are not worth the costs. A neutral addiction is a habit in which it is not clear if the organism (or species) benefits from the activity.

I'll let you decide because....I have an addiction to:

  • Being the absolute best
  • Pushing myself beyond my limits
  • Proving people wrong
  • Succeeding
  • Learning new things
  • Kicks
  • Music
  • Leather jackets
  • Looking Fly
  • Urban Art
  • Women
  • Meeting new people
  • Exploring new worlds and cultures
  • Finding meaning to my world....
I have an addiction to Perfection.

Monday, November 30, 2009

RyE on Irony

So remember a few blogs ago I mentioned how this woman on the subway didn't allow another woman to sit....well that same individual actually gave up her seat to me today!

Must be ths holidays lol

RyE On 26

I can still get down lol.

Thanks to all the people who came and showed your boy love.

"I got nothing but looove for you baby"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

RyE on Mobile Blog

I can blog whenever and where ever haha

Thursday, November 5, 2009

RyE On The Cure/Pain

Hmmmmm....sitting here trying to think of the words to say.

I feel like my head is in a daze. I have a ton of things on my mind but don't know how to get it down so I'm going to freestyle my thoughts.
We turned into me and her. The plural became singular and the relationship changed status. Always positive never negative is my motto so even in dark times I still see the light. Just because you love someone doesn't always mean they end up being your fairy tale ending.

"Ever after" always seemed so far in hindsight but I lived it as close as I could. As I said there was nothing negative but I almost feel like it would be easier that way when separation sets in and the walls around you seem to be your only friend.

It hasn't been too long since it became official but it seemed a long time coming. And that's the sad part. I scratch that...WE know that this is the right thing to do.

And as time waits for no one we set off in our separate directions. We did our own Halloween events, hung with our own friends, and celebrated without each other. It was surreal and throughout the minutes, seconds, hours I couldn't get her out of my mind. At times I felt guilty when I was feeling like I was doing something I shouldn't; only to remind myself that there no longer is a we so whatever I feel is justified then so be it.

flash forward....

I saw her on the way up. I glanced at her like I have a million times over. Nothing new nothing different. Yet all new and all to unfamiliar at the same time. I said hello and she said hi back. She had something to give me and we chatted about this and that for a minute. We laughed and talked like we always did. I said its getting late why don't you get something to eat and I'll walk you to the store. She obliged and said lets go.

Funny how life is full circle. This was how we fell in love to begin with. Late nights led to commonality that sprung out love. And so we walked and everything became familiar. Open doors...she first me second...side by side we walked.

We got to our destination she ordered her food and I was there by her side.

A few moments later I walked her back to her office. It was time to say goodbye and then everything that was familiar vanished and reality set in.

I watched her on her way back. I glanced at her like this is goodbye. That's when I saw her eye glisten in the dark fall night. They were teary eyed. And like a yawn I caught it too. I pulled her in for a hug to avoid seeing her face express her heart break knowing that I am the reason for it. Although I hope she knows I feel the same. I said goodnight and don't stay too late. She said she won't and like always I told her I would call her later. Trying to grasp whatever I could to make it feel like old....

She turned, headed back in and I walked away. Hesitation set in and I turned around to get a second glance. She was gone in the distance. Head down arm motion crossed her face to wipe the sadness away. I reached my hand out as if I could lend a hand to wipe the tears but we were already gone too far.

I gathered myself together and moved on in my direction. Same motion same demeanor as her. The hand I reached out to her I used for myself. Wishing it didn't have to be this way. Our hearts were broken. A million questions raced through my thoughts. How did it get this way? How do I stop the hurt inside? How do I let her know I still care? As I walked it was at that moment I realized that to her I am both the cure and the pain. And the questions turned to one. How do we move on from here?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

RyE on All Good Things Must Come to an End

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end"

Just wish it didn't hurt this much....

Going Dark for a bit

Monday, October 26, 2009

RyE On Happiness/Familia

Lately I've been feeling a bit lost. My heads been overloaded with things that I can't seem to focus. I forget conversations I have with people, forget what I'm doing in the MIDDLE of doing it. I feel like I'm losing my damn mind. It's been a long time since I can say that I am truly happy with my life.

I've been saying I'm maintaining instead of excelling. I've been saying I'm satisfied instead of saying fulfilled. And more importantly I've been saying I've seen better days than saying I'm good I'm happy.

There's a number of factors that contribute to this. My job, my current status, my relationship, some of the friendships/people I associate myself with.

I'll briefly break down each one for you:
  • My Job - I HATE it. My passion is gone. My patience with everyone and everything we go through has BEEN gone. My problem is that it pays the bills and I'm better than the rest at what I do. So like every catch 22 I'm stuck in a predicament. But I know I'll figure someway out...I always do
  • My Current Status - Like I mentioned before I feel like I'm maintaining instead of excelling. I need to start making moves towards a more rewarding life. I am a home owner but barely get to live life because all my money goes to mortgage payments and bills. The American Dream ain't always what it seems. You only live once right so fuck it...lets go on a shopping spree haha
  • Problems with the wife...don't discuss em
  • I feel like everyone's got their own agenda. Rightfully so they should look out for their own well being especially in a time like this.What pisses me off are the two face bitches that say something to save face only to turn around and deny it when they are called out on it. Then there are those pple who you can't seem to understand but something in your gut just tells you that they have a hidden agenda.
(Sidebar) I know this is a little off track but I was on the train today and a woman was standing up but decided to crouch down about half way from 71st to Roosevelt Ave. For those who take the F know this is a pretty long stop in between. There was a woman sitting down who got up at the next stop and this other woman, I'll call her the bitch, who was standing at the time decided to take the seat instead of giving it to the poor woman who was unable to even stand (I'll call her Rosa). Another woman said to the bitch that Rosa was pregnant and should give her seat up but that didn't stop the bitch who replied "she'll be fine." Thankfully a man sitting gave up her seat so that Rosa could sit but I couldn't believe that bitch. Now at the time my girl was telling me she hates how NYers are so cold and I basically its the survival of the fittest. Whatever I was running through in my head it was cold hearted on a Monday morning. Sadly though I do feel this way.

Getting back to my point above. I feel like right now I only got a handful of people I can just bare my soul so to speak and say whats on my mind. But the rest...the rest is all on me. I feel like I'm Rosa alone in this world with no one to give me a helping hand. Not that I'm looking for one but sometimes its nice to know that someones got my back. I felt this way all morning till I remembered how I felt this past Sat....

I was with my family on Saturday for the baptism of Sophia (the newest baby girl to the family). I found out that there will be not one...not two...but THREE new babies coming our way soon! I couldn't wait to spread the good news. It felt awesome being with my family. After the party we went back to my cousins house where all my tita's and titos and cousins watched their most recent trip to the Philippines this fall to see the opening of the Capilla de San Antonio.....

Part 2 to come (sorry it's late)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

RyE on Farewell Letter

This is great!



Friday, October 16, 2009

RyE on Circles

Take me back to the start

Thursday, October 8, 2009

RyE On Inspiration

I've been inspired...Good Bye Corporate America

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

RyE on The Girls Waiting on the Line for the Bathroom

Monday, October 5, 2009

RyE on Current Status

So I was writing about a particular topic or blog if I should be so politically correct. But my mind starting drifting into a million other things. SO I'll just freestyle this off the dome:

Breakups to Makeups
Lets face it. Breakups suck.

They never happen when you want it to be and they never feel good. The worst part about breaking up is having to go through the public portion of the break up. I'm not a celebrity nor do I ever plan on becoming one but us "regular folks" still get scrutinized for every aspect and decision of our lives by our peers and those we surround ourselves with.

When couples break up your friends start to draw the line. It's worst when a couple starts mixing their friends and now its Team Him vs Team Her. Anyone ever see the movie The Breakup? Yea it's similar to that.

I was having a discussion with my friend who recently went through one. It wasn't a pretty one. But I'm not going to sit here and put her story out on front street. The conversation lead to if I was in that situation I would be in the same position as her ex.

I even had this conversation with my girlfriend about this and even she agrees. And that position would be that I would be the one that is looked at as the sympathy guy. And something SHE did had to cause the relationship to end. I'm going to call this the JT Effect. Let's be honest...homeboy kept it moving (and looks like he's still moving) from one lady to the next and no one EVER shitted on him. Hell they even vilified Janet for showing a titty but um if I'm not mistaken it was Mr. A little overzealous JT that went HARD on the ripoff. But I digress....

It pains me to think that if the break up occurred that petty girls would be lining up to say shit about her. All my life I've maintained good relationships with my ex girlfriends (with the exception of two cunt bags) because you do the right thing.

You put aside the childish games. Be an adult and act in a mature respectful way. I don't care if you were the one that broke it off you can't deny that if they ever meant anything to you that you don't still love them as a person. And leave the sideline acts exactly where they are meant to be....on the sidelines. Teams are for sports don't bring them into a relationship.

Remember that your friends are extensions of you so if they act incorrectly over misinformation that reflects on you. It is your responsibility to calm the fires and by not acting only intensifies the flames.

So to all the people on the wrong side of the breakups I'm here...and I understand.

Dear Me (a few years earlier)

Two of my friends got this crazy idea from the big blog whore Perez Hilton. It's to write a letter to your younger self. Instantly I thought of a witty remark that I would say to myself if I was younger. Then I was thinking that this is a little foolish. I'm only 25 I don't know anymore than I did when I was 21. my overactive brain always does and over analyzes shit I was having a debate with myself that I wouldn't tell younger me anything because they need to go through the mistakes in order to be a better person. (Editors Note: I'm a HUGE believer that you can achieve victory in defeat therefore you never lose).

Finally I came to the realization that what I'm thinking is stupid. I kind of backtracked and realized that there is more to this exercise than meets the eye. This is a therapeutic release. It reminded me of my senior year in HS during my retreat. We had to write down a "nice" thing to your friends. Little did I know that experience would change my life. (That's another story)

I just don't know if I would be ready to write a letter or to what younger version of myself I would write to. I would ideally write this on my death bed. And I would pass it onto my grandkids (all 87 of them lol). But if I had to write one now I would write it to either Junior year HS Rye or Freshmen Year College RyE.

Who knows...maybe in the near future I'll just write to both

A little something you should know

I'm tired of everyone expecting me to live up to THEIR expectations of me. I don't know if you realized this but I am like a BIG jigsaw puzzle. I have many different pieces that make me whole. Some pieces don't make sense until you start to piece them together with other pieces. I like to look at my life as an artform. A movie even. And the ending hasn't been written yet so just sit back and enjoy the art of it.

News flash: I am NOT always cocky. In fact I am a very humble person. I DON'T always have to dictate things. I DON'T always need to win. I NEVER strive to live up to a certain pedigree of others. However I DO like to be emotional. I DO like to be true to myself no matter what. I don't have to pretend to like something just because everyone else does and I don't have to go against the grain just because no one else is.

That's just too much thinking for one person to do. Be real and stay consistent. Just because I act one way one day doesn't mean you should automatically label me as THAT. I am 25 yr old man looking for his way through life and living it the best way I know how. I go through a roller coaster of emotions so when I'm Mr. Popular one day and then the next I put on my nerd glasses know how those two pieces of the puzzles are put together so you get the BIGGER picture of ME.

one. love

RyE On The Best Page in The Universe

(Click it)

Friday, October 2, 2009

RyE & Cathy F on Go To Goodbye Maneuver

Cathy F: :P
RyE: yoo
RyE: lol i dont know why i said i would call you
RyE: i was running out yesterday for this thing and for some reason that was the last thing i wrote
RyE: and i didnt even realize it haha
Cathy F: lolol
Cathy F: i looked at it like, ok
Cathy F: lol
RyE: sorry u def got the non attentive goodbye yesterday
RyE: cause thats what i say
RyE: "ill call you"
RyE: thats my go to goodbye maneuver
Cathy F: lolol

RyE on MANswers

I learned two valuable lessons watching Spikes MANswers.

  1. I love you Jo Garcia
  2. I have been to the worlds largest strip club (fist pump)

RyE & Joel on NY'ers Apathy

RyE :;">how was ur flight home
Joel: 2 people got sick
Joel: people in NY are mad apathetic
Joel: we were like "whats going on"
Joel: (eating terra trips)
RyE: sick as in throwing up?
Joel: nah like oxygen tank
RyE: jeez
RyE: as long as the plane is stable
RyE: id eat my chips too
RyE: munch munch
Joel: yeah man
Joel: face off was on TV

RyE on A Beautiful Mind

She has been there from the start.

By the start I mean my post "irresponsible years." You know...the years after college when shit supposedly gets "real." When you go and start your career and make it as a real true adult (though I feel like I've been doing that a long time ago).

But yea...she has been there from the beginning. The one that popped my cherry into this responsible adult life you can probably say haha.

And she's been there ever since. And is connected to every aspect of me.

Been in the game with me like a coach and a teammate.

Battling in the industry with me with all the bullshit.

Helping me stay focus on my business.

(Editors Note: Game = Life/ Industry = Current Job Market/ Business = money, career, life goals)

For however many times I put myself down, doubted myself or just was unsure about what to do next she always was there to pull me back up, reassure myself and clarify what I already knew what to do.

There is a bond there that's special.

As the years went by I can only say we have gotten stronger and the bond has grown.

And though I feel like maybe I wasn't holding up my end of the bargain in the relationship I think that's starting to change.

It's always good to have someone to go to but it's rewarding when the person you go to comes to you for guidance every now and then.

I can't exactly say when it happened but I have an idea when. (ok maybe I just don't want you all to know this!)

So I guess what I am saying is...for all the times you were there for me. For all the reassuring comments and the smart ass "I told you so's" that followed...I just wanted to say thank you.

"You are a catch"
"You the you the best"
"You are better than the rest"
"You have 'it' "
"You're a charming ass" - (lol)
"You are a leader"
- (editors note: I think that despite the reference to one of the most despised villains on earth I know what she means)

All that said all I can say is...right back at you Beautiful.

oh yea (lil ass slap) haha

RyE On Ego Trippin Part 3 (Knowing His Role)

The Best

I never asked to be on top.

But I always strive to be there.

Being on top of my game.

The top is all relevant to you.

The Top of your business. The Top of your peers. The Top of your surroundings.

It's funny when you start hearing enough people say things about you that you start to take notice of what they say.

Never been the one to really take myself so serious about what others think or perceive of me.

I know who I am and what I've contributed to the game. The game I call life I ain't never been fucked you can call me celibate.

I'm rarely out of my element cause I always keep one foot in and one foot out with a firm grip on reality.

I bring to the table what I know best from the ghetto to the Corp. I'm as intelligent as the next but I just utilize it better than most.

Don't like to label myself as anything other than the best. Not to jack Jay's swag but I ain't a business man I'm just a smart man handling his business.

My learning curve is ridiculous. There is no limit to my knowledge and no self righteous barriers to prevent me from being the student.

But don't think the student can't teach. ;)

Hell I'm a preacher with a sermon to preach.

And I got a following I never intended to reach.

Though my head is in the clouds my feet are firmly on the pavement. ALL my moves are calculated from a simple head nod to signing off on multi million negotiations. (What you think that just because I know of who you are I'm going to acknowledge you? Nah homie, consider it a blessing when I show interest)

That statement above is what my "business folks" don't like about me. The industry ain't make me. I'm only in it for a minute so cherish every second you get.

I am a game changer and people take notice.

Me playing small doesn't help this me or those around me.

If I am to lead I want to lead bright and push those around me to be better than me.

I've done the block and it's time to make my international rounds.

So check the stats one more time:

  • Been hustlin since the age of 13.
  • Paid taxes at the age of 15.
  • Had a 401K with health benefits at 19.
  • Been a President twice before 21.
  • High demand at 23
  • Home Owner when the market bottomed out
  • Reached my Quarter Century and nigga I'm about my BUSINESS!
So when I say I'm the best bitch I got my reasons.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

RyE On Money to Blow

Thursday, September 24, 2009

RyE On Hunting Chris Brown

lol... I swear one of these days I'm not just going to post youtube videos but for now...screw you and enjoy

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

RyE on Celebrity Nudity

Maybe it's because I'm not a celebrity
Maybe it's because I'm not a female
Maybe it' because I don't have a nude photo of myself leaked around for the world to see
Maybe it's all the above but...

I don't understand when the world has already seen you YOUR own doing...and you are on a nightly show that involves you being topless....that you care if there are leaked photos of you nude on the internet....

But maybe that's just me

Monday, September 21, 2009

Rye on Ruff Ryders...we back!

Wow I can't believe they all came back together on this one!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

RyE on I'm Your Conscience

Don't fuck with Jamie LMAO

Friday, September 18, 2009

RyE on Air Yeezy

I am not the biggest fan of Kanye's style or his out there looks but I got to admit...his little ode to Back to the Future Marty McFly type kicks are kinda hot. I would cop a piece of the Air Yeezy's

RyE On Goin In


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

RyE on Colds

Dear Cold

I really don't know how to put this and I never really got along. I don't know why you keep coming back to me every now and then. Please know that I nor any of my friends/family ever want to hang out with you again. I'd appreciate it if you just leave me alone now so I can reacquaint myself with my friend Healthy.

Yours Truly

Thursday, August 27, 2009

RyE on Forever

I felt like this best captures how I felt about my life.

I want this shit forever and to be remembered simply as the Greatest....ever.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

RyE on Thoughts in Solitude

My Lord God,
I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following Your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please You
does in fact please you.
And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.
I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this,
You will leave me by the right road,
though I may know nothing about it.
Therefore, I will trust you always,
although I may seem to be lost
and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for You are ever with me,
and You will never leave me to face my peril alone.
-Thomas Morton

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

RyE On Con Ed

I'm going to kick Con Ed's ass...

I hate them so much

RyE on....

having trouble sleeping...

fights are never fun...esp stupid ones

i have a lot on my mind but i dont know where to begin...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

RyE on Family/Kids

I get a call from my parent's house and freak out. Anything out of sequence generally does that to me as I am a creature of habit.

As I begin to dial my voicemail and punch in my password my heart races.

"Hi Tito Ryan. It's Angelo (my sisters Godson). I want you to take me to see the G.I. Joe movie. Bye"

Ah.... kids. So cute.

We are going to movies!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

RyE on Top 60 Ghetto Black Names

RyE on Yoga

I'm loving it

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

RyE On Pussy Footing

Tiffy: i love that when you decide to do something
Tiffy: you actually do it.
Tiffy: no pussy footing.
Tiffy: very good quality love.
RyE: lol no pussy footing?
Tiffy: lol
RyE: never heard that expression
RyE: i dont think i even understand it lol
RyE: but ok
Tiffy: lmao

Definition of Pussy Footing (Click)

Thanks Tiffy

RyE on Bromance

Jowayyy: we need to catch up
Jowayyy: break bread
RyE: yea man
Jowayyy: i miss you man
RyE: whenever ur free
RyE: me too
RyE: (dap and hug)
Jowayyy: (just hug papa)

If that ain't bromance...I don't know what is

Monday, July 27, 2009

RyE on Her Wearing Nothing but my T-Shirt On

RyE on The Renaissance Man

It is with an objective mind endowed with a curious skepticism that we should engage in careful analysis and seek the reasons. Then, on the basis of seeing the reasons, we engender a faith that is accompanied by wisdom. - The Middle Way
More on this to follow.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

RyE on What He's Doing Now

LOL I'm such a fool lets goooooooooo! (two fingers..... in the air) - oh my

Monday, July 20, 2009

RyE on Ego Trippin Part Two (Self Reflection)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine,. we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are ;liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others"

- Marianne Williamson (Nelson Mandela 1994 inauguration speech)

I haven't done this in a minute so excuse me as I explore my mind

I'm something like a showboat...better yet a yacht
My light shine so bright...cause I'm so motherfuckin hot
I try to catch myself but I would never fall... far,
From the many I'm Petty, freefallin past all of ya'll
Even those ahead of me I'm comin from behind -
This my graduation year you won't see me in the fall
And though I'm so senior I'm still so fresh maaaan
Pardon my swag but I boast simply because I caaaaan maan
Call me cocky, Call me Kanye, call me Mr. arrogaaaant
Call me Mr. Everything and More
Cause I'm better than all these other bitches ever seen before
There I go again spittin, poppin off
And I'm so far from a Jew but when I recite a bar or two I deserve a Mazel tov
Fuck no 9-5's I ain't quittin I'm just movin on
Cause I'm finnin to blow-
I hear the haters over the applause
But I tell em I ain't mad at chew/you
Cuz my fanbase is more obsessed than white folks over Dave Matthews
I was born to win no matter if I sin I will get my feathered wings
I will die before I lose cause losings not an option/op-shiiin
So before I go let me get this off my chest maan
Consider me the reason hating became such a fashion
I'm out

Thursday, June 25, 2009

RyE On The King of Pop

I'm not commenting or going to shed light on all the attacks he went through. There is no denying his place in history and the iconic stature that he brought to the WORLD.

Say what you will about him but I will always remember him as the man that made me want to learn how to dance.

RIP Michael Jackson.

The Video that CHANGED the landscape of Pop Music


Thursday, June 18, 2009

RyE on Ego Trippin Part 1

"Follow my steps is the road to success"
*Where the niggaz know you're thorough when the girls say yes (yes!)
But I can't teach you my swag
You can pay for school but you can't buy class*

This goes out to A Beautiful Mind....

I'm stepping out of my comfort zone right now to just freestyle my thoughts as I begin to wonder if people understand the value of the word respect.

I've been in this industry only what...4 years? Already I feel like an O.G, a Vet, a Senior Varsity, a Kobe going for his fourth ring. I worked HARD everyday to get where I am. My path was not conventional. Did I want success? Did I want the accolades? Did I want the recognition? Did I want it more than the other person? You damn right I did.

Did I think it was going to be easy? Did I think that if I worked the hardest I could at the minimum hours that I would coast? Did I think that I was better than everyone? Did I think I was too good for what I was doing? Did I think talking back would somehow prove how much of a man I am? Fuck no.

Let me tell you the difference between you and me. And by you I mean all those who came after me.

The difference is.... I put in work day in and night out. I kept my eyes open and listened to everything. I LEARNED the BUSINESS, and RESPECTED everyone who came my way. I didn't run my mouth just to make my voice heard. Every move was calculated, every action was thought out 5 steps ahead. Use your head before flapping your gums with that "I'm better than this" nonsense.

The reality check is.... you're not. In fact you are more than replaceable. You are insignificant. You didn't even get the job the first time around. You were sloppy seconds. An afterthought. A last resort in an ever revolving door that many before you in your position have come and gone, only to amount to a 1/3 of what I have accomplished.

The difference is.....I am LEGIT. First day I was welcomed.. with a smile on her face followed by a dead serious hell. Two months later I was forced to pick up her accounts and do a job with no preparation. Six months in and I'm forced back to a role that you think you are above. Six months after that (That's 1 yr later for you keeping score) a CEO of a worldwide industry leading company calls me to offer me a position on their #1 account.

The reality check is...I don't even know your number. I don't know your email address. I don't know your fax number. You say you are better than what you do well tell me what you have done. I can count how many times you came through when she was gone. ZERO. You are such a joke its pathetic. I don't even bother trying to look for answers when shes gone because in all honesty I don't see any credibility in you.

The difference is....I am credible and I have stats to back it up. Ask your boy who co-signed for you. Where would his career be without me? Folding jeans in the stock room and working the late shift. Another hot shot too big for his own ego who even retracted his co-sign of you the second time around. Put the pieces of the puzzle together and I guess you realize that if it wasn't for me you both would be right back to being Gay And Proud. Ask your boss who set the waves in motion for the woman you work under back with that company. Then ask her how I increased your company's sales by 200% so you can enjoy your summer Fridays you lazy fuck. Ask anyone in this industry who I am and they'll tell you I am the real deal...but then again,

The reality check is... you don't even know who would listen to you besides your sad excuse of a boss. What's your track record? How much did you sell? How much weight do you hold? Nothing but dead weight and thats a problem.

The difference is... I'm a problem solver. NO task is insurmountable. No issue that can't be resolved. I FIX million dollar problems. I RESTORED the Mid/West region and put that on the map. When my director couldn't cut it anymore I inherited a 5 year problem and turned it around in less than a year.

The reality check is... I can go on for days with this so let me stop here.

See you and everyone on the come up all want everything handed to you all giftwrapped. You think that your better than what is in front of you. What you need to learn is how to be humble and respect those above you and who came before you. Even my own successor was plagued by that ego. After putting a mere 6 months into the job he felt he learned everything he needed to know. 2 and a half years later and he JUST made it to the other side. And 9 months after he succeeded me he birthed your ass and where have you been? Right where I was 4 years ago.

Does that upset you? Lets look at the bright side; Unlike your boy, at least you don't always have to hear comparisons about yourself to me. The ironic thing about ALL this is that what you both failed to seem to embrace is the one single common denominator in my success...her beautiful mind.

Instead of thinking your better than her maybe you should pick that brain of hers and learn something. To this DAY I haven't stopped asking her questions. No matter where I am or what position I may be in I will forever be her protege and she will be my mentor. I don't bite the hand that feeds me. I was man enough to own up to my mistakes. I was big enough to swallow my pride and listen to how to do things in a different way. I played my role. And in return I EARNED respect. I earned their trust. I earned their credibility.

Patience is a wonderful virtue. And you may say that I rose quickly through the ranks so I didn't need to be patient. Well maybe if you just put your ego to the side and stopped demanding things...they will just come to you. Ever think of that?

*All these niggaz taking credit for the work that I put in
If you really put me on put yourself on then

Friday, June 12, 2009

RyE on American Expressions

RyE: random question but how busy are you
Meher:busy why
RyE:just curious
Meher:like 8.5 on 10 how busy are you
RyE: im very busy 15 on a 10 scale
Meher: thats not possible i chose 8.5 cos it was on 10 otherwise there is no limit
RyE: my point being im busier than i need to be
Meher: its like saying i give 110% percent the scale is 100 people
RyE: pple can do it...
Meher: no so u can say 102
RyE: i give 120%
Meher: ew stop
RyE: im a 12 in hotness on a scale of 10 lol
Meher: ur 12 on a scale of 10 of beat LOL
RyE:let me rephrase that for you ..."your a 12 on a scale of a one to BEAT" thats what you meant to say
Meher: ur moma
RyE: you mean your MOM

RyE on Women's Self Esteem

Thursday, June 11, 2009

RyE & Joel on the Art of Patience

Joel: yo i have the ill new song
RyE: what is it
Joel: i heard it yesterday and nearly lost my damn mind
nah i want it to be a surprise
RyE: lol
goddamn son
why u being a dick tease
Joel: lol
RyE: i got a couple up my sleeve nigga
i just need to wait
Joel: lol
yeah i gotta let my song marinate for a bit
RyE: I've been patiently waiting for a track to explode on
Joel: i like what i have
RyE: i know i get into it
i hear a new song and im like oh shit
new shit new shit
Joel: wow
i found it
RyE: im excited
Joel: damn should i wait
or should i just drop it?
RyE: what do u got right now again
th r kelly joint?
Joel: grand master flash
im leaving it for a bit
RyE: damn kid
next song im going to take it to the next level
im gonna have a theme to go with it
Joel: i want a new back drop
i found a whole new crop of songs
RyE: you stocking up
i might have to bring out my WMD's
son i want to hear your new song
i like the message and all
but it doesnt have a captivating audience
sorry son im just trying to be honest
Joel: lol
RyE: your missing the "oh shit" factor
Joel: you're just trying to get the song outta me
ima let my shit ride

RyE on RyE

  1. Rye is Brooklyn born but lives breathes and dies for QUEENS! QB for life and I dun cur how ghetto that sounds!
  2. When Rye turned 21 his cousin Nova made him do 17 shots on the eve of his 21st. The following day he did 24 and his buddy Greg convinced him to leave his own party to no ones knowledge and take the NYC subway intoxicated. Keep in mind Greg is from stupid
  3. Rye detests these type of things...yet finds himself always succumbing into doing them. Sigh
  4. Rye had alot anger issues growing up. Sorry Eric for that whole locker spin incident... =)
  5. Rye worked with his cousin Antonio as a Clown a few summers...
  6. ....Ironically Rye is deathly scared of Clowns
  7. Rye along with Joway and E-Rod formed the Dynasty sign way before Jay made it main stream...true story. (the nerd aspect of the story was that it symbolized us as a "Triangle" which later got morphed into a Square because of Chris and then we realized that was just gay..)
  8. Rye has been known to express his love for Justin Timberlake...that boy is fiya
  9. Rye always had big dreams of being a big A&R guy in the music industry
  10. Rye's life soundtrack would consist of tracks from the following:Bebot for all the FLIPS!! LL Cool J & Nas for the Queens aspect. BIG/Method Man/ Lost Boyz to represent the 90's. DMX/Nelly/NSYNC/Sporty Thieves/Project Pat/BSB/ and more randomness to represent the AM years. Any theater songs, oldies, 60's 70's music to represent his bond with his sister. Jay-Z to represent his hustle and diversity. Linkin Park/Weezer/System of a Down/POD/Red Hot Chili Peppers to hype up his Track Career and any other sports he played throughout his life. A little Bob Marley, Jason Mraz, Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, and Brad Paisley to just kick the good days. This could go on but lets leave it with some Al Green, Temptations, Four Tops, and Barry White for that good lovin in his life
  11. Rye is proud to be 100% Filipino and to have such an amazing group of diverse friends from all ethnic backgrounds and cultures
  12. Rye along with Greg, Curt, Deuce..and I guess Oddo...formed the greatest weekly nightly event in college. J&C night (sign of the cross)
  13. Rye is the most intense person you will ever meet.....period.
  14. Rye tends to talk alot of trash but has always backed it up and knows also when to man up. See #13
  15. Rye is a certified Amateur Boxer in the state of NY
  16. Rye drove a church van with 12 of his Tito's and Tita's from Queens to Buffalo and back.....He will never ever ever ever do that again...ever
  17. Rye likes em pretty in the face, tight in the waist, with a huge backspace ("Just like her mama nice a__ nice brain"). Thats not to say that he discriminates because he does not. That lil miss slumdog Freida Pinto...Helloo India...oh is that not PC to say?
  18. Rye's Lola raised him into the man he is today. That bond is beyond anything or anyone can ever have with him
  19. Rye had one of those storybook youth loves like in the Wonder Years and um...Saved by the Bell lol
  20. Rye is often unfairly characterized as cocky and arrogant. See #13 & #14. His response is...(shrugs) ah well
  21. Rye is a hypocrite. i.e Rye does not want his brother to get a tattoo yet Rye has one and is looking for more =)
  22. Rye has become the American Dream and is now a the worst economic time possible
  23. Rye's #1 goal in life is to make an impact on tomorrows youth in order to shape a better future
  24. Rye puts no one above his Familia. Either by blood or friendship once you are Familia you are in. There is nothing more important to him than that
  25. Rye is a FUCKING Rock Star! - He's so Dope Boy Fresh!

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