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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

RyE On 2009

I feel like I'm not the only one who is saying this but good riddance to 2009.

I've been going back and forth in my head just how I want this piece to come out. After several revisions for fear of how it was sounding I decided to scrap it altogether and start fresh.

I can't say 2009 was the best year I've ever had but it was certainly a year I will never forget. Much like other years there are ups and there are downs. This year felt like there were more downs than ups but as I sit back and reminisce on the year that was I'm not sure if that's necessarily true.

But maybe that's because I am the eternal optimist.

I believe that with every fall you learn to get up in a different way. And despite me falling I've managed to get up and I will continue to get up each and every time.

Just shy of a month into the year and I was rushed to the hospital. I still have the photo of me in the hospital. I will never forget being in there holding on. I'm not sure I'm ready to accept just how real it got for me. I can't even think that I was that close to the curtain call because I have so much more that I want to do before its all said and done. I will climb another mountain in my life. I will see the other side of the world. I will return home one more time (maybe more). I will run again. Run marathons, hell even do Triathlons. I will have a beautiful wife with like a dozen babies that are all happy and healthy because that is the life I want. I will push myself not because I have something to prove but because I CAN. I refuse to let things stand in my way of living the life that I KNOW I am capable of living, the life that I deserve. So they say I got UC, well yes I do. But in my book UC stands for Under Control!

As I worked on getting my health back and only two short months into the year my family suffered two losses in the battle against cancer. Rest in peace Tita Gloria and Jane Reynolds. You both fought courageously and are true inspirations to never give up. It's never easy saying goodbye to the ones you love. It's harder knowing that you had to suffer in your last days with these cruel diseases. But I want you both to know that you left a remarkable footprint in this world. I see it in our family. I see how we come together in hard times to lift each other back up. You should know that you will never be forgotten because we will continue to shine the light that you started. And we as a family are more united because life is often too short to not love and be there for one another. Till we all meet again know that we miss you everyday and love you very much.

Speaking of losses how about all the untimely deaths of the entertainers that passed in 2009. Although I have no connection to them I hate to hear anyone pass. So for anyone that you touched in this world I would like to thank you for trying to make the world a better place with your talent and contribution to help make us all smile.

The world was shaken with one of "the worst economic downfall in the last 20+ years." No one was safe from that. A lot of my good friends lost their jobs, those that were saved picked up their slack with no compensation. Hiring freezes made it hard to find another job and salary freezes made it hard to press on. I see the light though. When you are down there is only up. I look forward to the new year and seeing a more prosperous year for me and those around me.

I didn't want to make this all about the bad. There are peaks and valley's as I said. Someone very special and dear to me told me that everyday you have a "high" and a "low." She also tends to ask me this whenever she gets a chance. So with all the lows I mentioned I think it's time I start talking about the highs.

2009 High #1 - I took off the pampers and got me some pull ups because I became a big boy! Yes I moved out of my parents house (finally) and into my new condo. (happy dance)

2009 High #2 - I retained my job. Yes I may sound like I hate what I do but I think it's because I feel like it doesn't do anything for my personal goals in wanting to do more for this world. I had to come to realization that although it doesn't satisfy my personal goals I still very much care about what I do. And with everyone losing their jobs I was fortunate to be included into the creation of a brand new entity to be one of the building blocks and foundation to a new company. "Sometimes in dire constraints and insurmountable odds comes great opportunity" - BW

2009 High #3 - "New/deeper friendships" It's always great to maintain friendships that last a life time. My boys have been there for me for the last 13 years. And we see each other grow and experience life together. This year we got to hang out more often as a group than usual. That's the best when we are all together because we rarely ever get to do that with our lives being so busy.

As much as I know those guys will be there for me it's even more rewarding when you rekindle friendships or deepen existing ones.

Honorable mentions go to Miss La La La La. In all honesty we really should thank the Haitian for leaving and making us fill his void lol. You know that sometimes you drive me crazy but I got nothing but love for you. I appreciate all the times you sat and listened to me talk about my culture, my job, my girl and white girls in general along with my *ahem* drought lol. I love our silly conversations and our unusual late night pillow talks that last way longer than I think either of us intend on having. I think I also have met my match in terms of body heat. I always thought I was hotter than the avg person but I will secede and give you the thrown for being the "hottest" person I know lol. I heart you!

2009 High #4 - ALL THE BABIES! So many of them in my fam and my friends/coworkers. I want to call them the Recession Babies lol

2009 High #5 - This one really should be a sub category under #3 but my highest of highs is discovering a very beautiful and colorful mind. I don't got to say anything because you already know what you have meant to me this year. But um...fuck your Yankees lol.

So in conclusion:

Dear 2009,

I Hated You......

You took a lot out of me. First with my health, then with my family we lost some family members, my friends lost jobs, the world around us suffered a tough economic downfall and lost a ton of entertainers that helped make the world smile...

....I wish I could have learned your lessons through less extremes. I felt like I was losing my way. Then things started to turn around for me. And you made me see that despite it all I became a better person, a stronger individual going through what I went through this year. And so for that I appreciate it and look forward to the New Year!

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose"
- Lyndon B Johnson



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