What is good people?
So I know I've been kinda moody and sounding all down with everything going on so hopefully this will change the tide a bit. I was thinking of putting a more fun positive blog out there and this couldn't have come at a better time.
Recently I joined this 20SB community which I alluded to in my Publicly Private Blog (RYEBlog 3.8.10). I honestly didn't think I was going to make the cut especially since I kind of sort of a lil bit mocked it on that blog to begin with. Anyway I got accepted and who would have known other people (that don't know me) would actually be interested in my blog! Makes me all types of sentimental inside (no seriously!). So step one of the social experiment has succeeded!
Now one of the coolest things about this new community is that I started to find other random peoples blogs and have become hooked on their interesting stories. I'd almost much rather read strangers blogs and have them read mine because I feel a little less inhibited and yet all the same more intimate (!??!) with them if that makes ANY sense at all.
So getting to my point, one of my new fellow buddies that I started following awarded me with this little something:
Thanks Lauren! People go check her blog @ "Is this thing on? I wasn't prepared"
Now normally I don't usually do the whole chain type gimmicks on the internet but part of this social experiment is to go outside the comfort zones, out of the norm, and into the new and uncharted territory no matter how cheesy or out there it may be. With this gift I got to adhere to the following:
- When you receive this award you must thank the person who awarded you in the new post. - CHECK
- Name 10 things that make you happy - SEE BELOW
- Pass this award onto 10 other bloggers and inform the winners - SEE BELOW (further)
And now I present to you....10 Random RYE Facts
- RYE Fact #109 : RYE hearts Physical Challenges. I love living an active life and with that also means pushing myself beyond my wildest dreams or physical capabilities. In 2008 I signed up for a Charity Boxing event and after a 6 month grueling process earned an amateur New York State boxing license (whoo ha!). I lost touch with the whole boxing thing but look forward to signing up to these two things once I get my health back: MMA & The Men's Health Urbanatholon! Who wants to come support your boy on 10.16.10 in Chi-Town?!
- RYE Fact #2009: RYE Captain's an Ultimate Frisbee team. Our name is Ultimate Frisbee'd Up or as we like to say U.F'd Up! haha We've been battling for the past 3 seasons and last season finally came in with the GOLD! Upcoming season is starting April so if you are on the LES come check us out every Friday!
- RYE Fact #35 : RYE Hearts Burgers! I'm a burgerenthusiast. I would go around the country...hell around the world to find the best burger out there. Very few places have ever been labeled with the prestigious BBE title (Best Burger EVERRR). Such as the infamous Shake Shack and In & Out Burgers. Thanks to another burger loving mind I was introduced to this organic little place called BareBurger which is thiiiiiiiiis close from getting the honors of BBE. And what better place to have found this than QUEENS! The best place on earth! =)
- RYE Fact #19: RYE enjoys reading up on world religions & Self Help books. Currently still dissecting the inner works of Buddhism with this little book
- RYE Fact #21: RYE diggs Tattoos - I'm rockin 2Tat's right now but thinking about getting my back done soon. I'm not posting photos sorry...we ain't on that level yet ;)
- RYE Fact #1: RYE loves his Familia & Friends..above everything and anyone
- RYE Fact #1983: RYE stays fresh to def with his Sneakers & leather Jackets... they make my cypher complete!(Editors note: Ok I got to get something off my chest....I refuse to put this as one of my 10 happy facts but...I am a HUGE...JT fan...there I said it lets move on)
- RYE Fact #2001: RYE watches How I Met Your Mother every Monday. Did you check my Ted Mosby blog RYEBlog 2.6.10? You should!
- RYE Fact #390: RYE escapes to Montauk for peace. It is my haven!
- RYE Fact #194: RYE enjoys stretching. I feel extra light when I can stretch. With a bad back and knees I know when I'm in shape or not when I reach out and grab my toes. I even signed up for Yoga classes this past year to improve my flexibility....need to get back on that...been slacking on my Yoga game (Rye Blogs on Yoga @ RYEBLOGS 8.4.09)
And with that concludes my 10 Random RYE facts that make me happy.
Now to pass this along (drumroll please).
...this blog was exhausting...for those who ventured this far down...thank you for your time!
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