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Thursday, May 26, 2011

RyE On A Summer Love Affair (Find Your Love Edition)

I better find your lovin...I better find your heart
I better find all my love and nothing's going to tear us apart

So my love we find ourselves back to square one. I know I was away longer than I anticipated. I left you abruptly and promised I'd be back. And I returned...later than normal and with mixed emotions and negative circumstances. Nothing that you did but yet I came to you with that and expected you to "fix" it. Instead I left you just as soon as I had arrived... still with those mixed emotions and I feel I did you a disservice.

The anticipation of our reunion was brought up in discussions much sooner than I had imagined and by individuals who I don't generally relate to you. The constant thread of comments made about you and expectations of you... and soured my view. And I knew all this as I had mentioned in the past I knew I was opening us up to a world I wasn't sure I was ready to handle.

And now everyone wants a piece of you and I feel selfish about it. You are mine. You will always be mine. I love you till the stars stop shining on your face. And I'm sorry that we left each other on less than favorable terms. It's made me timid to go back to you. And I know it's only a passing moment but I still feel like until I correct this wrong it won't feel right.

And so I promise to take us back to how it was. Back when it was simple, sweet and innocent. You're my fortress of solitude...the one with all my secrets...the one that takes away all my pain...the one that I found my love and I will go back to you and find that love once again.

I know it.

I'll see you soon love...


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