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Thursday, October 28, 2010


With the NBA season upon us I'm excited to see the repercussions of the Summer of 2010. The big free agency class! The move for the Big Shaqachussettes to Bean Town and of course the revamped Knicks! As I watched the NBA tip off Miami vs Boston I really wanted to see the cohesiveness of the big three in south beach. I know it's still too early to say because of all the injuries during the pre season but they were a mess. And all I kept thinking about as I watched Lebron score 30 in his first game with the #6 El Heat Jersey could have probably stayed in Cleveland if that was what you were going to do....

I don't care if your Lebron James or your a little high school punk playing ball on the court. Everyone who touches that leather orange basketball dreams to be the next Michael Jordan. Everyone knows when you were the 2-3 that you have a responsibility. Those numbers are sacred. You can't just expect to wear those numbers and be average (although many have unfortunately). Even if your skill set would lend itself more to say Larry or Magic or heck even Dr. J it didn't matter. YOU wanted to be MJ....tounge out, flying through the air, classic MJ Pose. Don't lie to yourself.

MJ is the standard. The peak of his greatness didn't even show till he came back (for the first time wearing the 4-5). I'll admit, when growing up as much as I loved watching Jordan play I hated him! As a beloved Knick fan he just always crushed us....anyone remember the double nickle game? Yea I do...(sigh). That's probably why my John Starks poster of him dunking over Jordan hung on my wall till it was all battered up. It was the one symbol of Jordan as human on that court.

As time went on I grew to appreciate MJ and didn't even care when he went up against my Knicks. Honestly that was the only time I even hated him. Not because of his abilities, not because of asshole ways off the court to be the best, not his gambling addiction, but simply because he beat my team all the time! I guess you can say the same for Kobe. In my opinion Kobe is probably the closest Air Apparent to Jordan. By the records he'll eventually surpass Jordan but if anyone was as close to him it's Kobe.

I too hate/hated Kobe but I hated him for the simple fact that I don't like his personality. I respect his game but I think he's such a loser...with an amazing gift. I think you take that away from him and hes just a dweeb. But again I respect the dude.

Now LBJ? OK yea your a beast. Probably the best player in the game today. I'll give you that. But you? Suck. I think that whole Decision crap was ego driven and unprofessional. You didn't even give your own team...your HOMETOWN...the respect to let them know you were going somewhere else. I don't care if you said your going to the ABA you could have at least said "Hey thanks for all your support but I will not be resigning with you..." at the LEAST.

Then you started this whole Me vs the world campaign. The twitter account messages. The whole Miami Heat are the most hated team in the world. Nah son...I love D-Wade. Favorite player in the game today since 05. If anything I want to see him get another ring because he plays the game right.

YOU are the most hated individual right now. Not Bosh. Not Wade. Not any other player on the team that came because they see ring aspirations. Your excuses last year during the playoffs, about how you "spoil us" and your explanation of why you decided to "Take your talents to South Beach."

Now you have this dumbass fucking commercial and for all the reasons you say your not MJ I see you sure do like going down his path. I don't blame you for that but all these off court bs needs to stop. Shut up and play the game. Stop going on your twitter account and talking. Just be an athlete and talk when the press is around you before and after the game. No one wants to see stupid commercials like this and no one cares. Just shut the fuck up.

Then maybe when I'm old and grey I'll look back and like Jordan...say I respect you.



Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RyE On In Case You Forgot

As I've taken time off from my career and everything else in life I've been spending some time putting my apt together. This is my first piece of property that I own and for almost 2 years that I have lived here it's been missing the "Rye" element to it. Too many hi tech gadgets and basic furniture but no "life" t0 it. So I decided that on my time off that I will put into my place what I had in my old dungeon of a room at my parents house.

Going through old and new stuff and bringing it into my place was like taking me back in time and realizing what a wonderful life I have. Reading some old letters and finding old photos made me also realize that I am almost the same person I was when I was a kid as I am a man today.

I realize I don't normally update my blog on "current events in my life" so let me just give you a quick snapshot of the last oh 5 months? (Deep breath)

In June I quit my old job of 4 years to go to a new company where I would be leading their new Digital Outdoor Advertising company. It was everything I wanted from a career perspective but my health had other plans. My UC started acting up again and I was in an out of the hospital that whole first month. I would go to work M-F and leave Friday to go straight to the hospital to get blood transfusions. I did this for about three weeks. On the fourth week I didn't quite make it to the hospital...I passed out on the street due to loss of blood and was admitted for a fourth week.

I got better...traveled for my job...traveled to MTK...spent a wonderful summer with my friends where I beached it up almost every weekend and surfed. I got to see both coasts and everything in between in a matter of 3 weeks talking and consulting for my job. I was making money and spending money. I met douchebags and millionaires that I never thought I would ever meet. I had my heart broken, confused, brought back to life, and then broken all again.

Then came September as I was about to end the month with my last Nationwide tour presentation and once again my UC started to rear its ugly head. One more time to the hospital. I was there for one week on a liquid diet. I quit my new job to refocus on myself. A Colorful Mind kept me focused on not giving up. That Colorful Mind also finally met my family and all of them from my mothers to fathers side (ah!). All my friends from BK to the Boogie Down and heck even Jersey came to see me while I was laid up in there. With my family and friends I have a great support system and know that my life is worth living.

BUT because you (yes I'm talking to myself) are so damn stubborn sometimes let me remind you in case you forgot.

2000 Senior Retreat Polancas:
To my dearest Ryan,
It is so hard for me to start writing this letter because I do not know where to begin. Well I guess the first thing I want to tell you is to congratulate you. You are now in your senior year and a year from now you will already be in college. It seems just yesterday when you first started school in Pre K at St. Mary's Nativity School and you won't let us leave you in school. You felt so scared and insecure but as days past you felt more and more secure and had self-confidence. Like what your teacher said she saw you got out of the shell. From that time on and up to now I can't believe all the great accomplishments you have done. I know these are just eh beginning for you and you will have more and will have a great future coming ahead of you. Forgive me if I have not said it in so many words that I am so proud of you. And I really do mean it. I know you think I am only after you getting high grades in school, because I constantly tell you to study and to make sure that all your homework is complete. I did that because I love you and I do not want you to regret later. Now you see the fruit of all the heard work you have done. But as you know this is just the beginning. Next year you will be in college and it is time for you to have to make a hard decision of what you really want to do. Well just remember whatever decision you choose to do we will always be behind you and have our full support.
We are so busy, excited, happy preparing for your college application but when it is time for you to leave for college I really do not know what to do. You and your sister have brought joy to our life. Ryan my dear son, as I always say please do take care of yourself especially when you are ready to leave on your own. Another thing please never forget to pray and thank GOD for all the blessing HE has given you and your family.

Love always,

Dr. Ramon M. _______, MD
September 24, 2000

To my Son Ryan,

It is hard to realize that time has gone so fast. Senior year is here and college is not that far. It will be time for you to make hard decisions. As you have always made it clear to us you have to make it your own and you would not need our help. I guess you have done that since you were small. You made your own choices and there was no way we could change it.

You are your own man now and I guess it has to be this way. I would just want you to know that we are always here when ever you need us or need our help. We stand behind you in every way and in any situation no matter how critical they may be.

Just as we have spent so many happy moment, I know we will share more as you leave to go to College. We know you will do what is best and we have full confidence in you. The basic lessons you have learned from us and from school assure us that you will find success in anything you do.

You have been a joy to us and I would confess I will be in tears when you leave us. My son Ryan, do take care of yourself.

Your Dad

Thanks Mom & Dad. I must have forgotten but I know now that no matter what I do with my life I have you both to lean on. I'm ready to be everything you both know I can achieve.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

RyE On How Rye Met Steph

Welcome to another new mini-series installment in my Blog.

It was first grade when I first met Stephanie. She was the smallest girl in class and I was the smallest boy in class. She had big thick glasses, big ears (sorry but hey you grew into them!). She wore her hair one way everyday. A little french braided pony tail that landed a little past the middle of her tiny back. She pulled it altogether with this hair piece that I always stared at. It had a tiny little Asian doll in the centerpiece with a butterfly in the background.

As I sat behind her everyday in class I always caught myself daydreaming staring into this hair piece. I never really knew why but every time she would turn around to pass me something the teacher was distributing she always caught me in a daze.

But I was in the first grade and I didn't even know what these feelings were about. Fast forward to the Fourth Grade. I decided to step up! We were on the second floor of the school building and began to change class rooms with the upper classes. (4-8th graders switch class and have different teachers for each class room). This was the first time I would walk the halls and see all my older cousins so I felt like a big man on campus! If I was going to tell Steph how I felt I was going to tell her this year!


Lets jump a lifetime back to the present. 1st grade was a LONG time ago for me. But I always remembered my first time seeing Steph. I don't recall though how we even got to the point where we were Rye & Steph for a good portion of our early lives. Then one day in 2009 I met up with Steph before she embarked on a new journey in life. She came with an envelope that simply said "Rye..." She told me to look at them when she left and so I waited till we said goodbye that night.

I opened up this bulky envelope and saw all these photos of us when we were kids and a bunch of folded up little pieces of papers. I opened up one and saw "To Steph..."

They were all my notes to her that I use to pass when we were in school together! Ironically she hit me up via text as I opened the first letter and said..."I hope you like your present. I wanted you to have these to remember us. I kept all the ones I wanted to keep :). Love you see you soon."

So here's how Rye Met Steph...(written verbatim)

To Steph

If your wondering if I like you the answer is yes. I liked you ever since the first grade, I guess I kept it a secret till the forth (Editors note: I misspelled fourth) grade I think. The reason why I like is your sweet (bad grammar), nice, kind, funny & really cute, your also pretty. I got all my stuff for my costume I just don't have the mask. Does any one know about you & me, if so please tell me. (scratched out "Are you going as the same") Paul thinks I'm weird because I like you, what's his promblem (yea..I was a terrible speller) with you. My little cousin is going to be a white cat fo Halloween. Oh well I guess this is the part of the letter where you say good-bye. So goodbye =)

Ryan B
PS. This is how you write my last name, "______" Please write back.

To be continued.

RyE On Big Blue

Proof that Defense wins games... Victim #5

Tony Homo:


Thursday, October 21, 2010

RyE On Life through Purple Colored Shades

I had a particular interesting and rather heavy conversation this morning that started with "are you wearing purple?"

If you did not know, Oct 20, 2010 is wear purple day in honor of the recent suicide deaths of the young LGBT kids in the recent months. Purple symbolizes spirit on the LBGT flag. This notion of wearing purple today is to remind people that matter the greater than hate.

Due to the homophobic abuse these kids were so distraught over their lives they decided to end it. Nothing in this world is more sacred than your life. Nothing is more precious than what you bring to this world just by existing and so yes I believe in this cause. I did wear purple today.

But wearing purple is not what I'm talking about today. See the conversation started out with if I'm wearing something purple but the conversation went deeper than that. I understand I over think sometimes (prob the biggest understatement ever but HUSH). I also realize that topics on politics, social issues, and religion are generally not great topics to discuss with people because everyone has their own opinion.

I actually enjoy having these conversations simply because I love to hear opposing views. The problem is that my peers are generally....hmmm how should I say this nicely...not open? Fuck it...they are ignorant. Passionately ignorant though so I must give them credit. I think I can only talk to one individual about everything and even she won't talk to me about religion ha.

It's not so much that I care to talk about these things but I like to stimulate my brain and have deep conversations besides the "whats up how was your night/weekend/etc?" Unfortunately I don't talk about them because quite frankly no one really understands me. If we even share a common result I bet you that our process in how we got to that conclusion would differ and thus still cause us to debate. But you know what? Silence is boring. I don't think you have to agree with me. Hell I don't expect you to. What I hate is when people are so close minded they don't even take the other persons perspective into consideration.

I generally detach myself from my emotions when I discuss about certain topics. I like to do my research and learn as much as I can on issues in order to come up with my educated thoughts and opinions on the matter. What I would like to hear from others is maybe something I didn't know and let me find another way to see it. Problem is when I see your emotionally attached I sense a bit of biased and therefore I feel (again just my opinion) that it negates your argument.

(Editors note: this is where people will be offended) I'm not trying to be an asshole I swear but the majority of my friends are too stereotypical minority brainwashed. Everything becomes race...and everything becomes "I'm doing this for my people." So naturally anything that comes up with the slightest tinge of majority vs minority or race issues they always side with their people. Which hey, is what it is...nothing wrong with supporting your people. Where I'm offended is when they expect me to join their side. And if I don't then it's all of a sudden a crime and now I'm the proverbial Uncle Tom. Sorry guys...(Editors note: just an example)just cause some colored man was shot by white cops accidentally doesn't mean I'm going to say die pigs die and swear off all cops. I've had my fair share of run in's with the law where I've been treated unfairly but I also have cops in my family and know a lot of good white cops so it's not so cut and dry. Do I agree with what happened? Hell no! But I also cannot just start an anti white cop campaign.

I cannot blame nor ostracize a particular group because of the actions of a small group of individuals. Isn't that the very being of racism? Oh and let me just say this...there is no such thing as reverse racism. It's just racism pure and simple. Sadly, thoughts and actions are brought out by way of your environment and what you have been expose to all your life. And I know my friends just haven't exactly had the best situations put forth in front of them nor did they have the luxury of seeing all the cultures and things outside their "hood" so they go with what they know.

But I tell ya...there's these things that are out these days....they are called books...the internet..newspapers...all fun stuff that if you read through them you can educate yourself beyond your environment.

My other issue is supporting causes. I have certain things in my life that has affected me one way or another to be fully vested (emotionally and physically) to particular causes. I also like to think I have a pretty decent heart so more often than not I generally would do any type of charitable work that is for a good cause. Now because of that all my save the world friends expect me to bandwagon onto every cause out there. Again like I said even if we share the same conclusion doesn't mean we arrived to that point the same way. This is very important because it's what helps me separate what I stand behind and what I just support.

Just to clarify in my view, standing behind something is being a firm believer in the cause and wanting to help and push it to greater things. For support that would be similar to wanting to end world hunger and homelessness. Sure I want those to end but I'm not actively trying to figure out how to keep homeless people off the streets or be able to give food to every one in the world.

I don't name names but, I have a friend who literally signs up for every type of cause out there. Save the trees, whales, eagles, the closing of the old stamp house...... Support gays they are treated unfairly....Stop using the term midget it's not politically correct. All the while posting on twitter, fb, all these fun little notions. Again, not trying to be an asshole but while I commend your actions and wanting to save everyone and their mother...I honestly don't care enough for every cause. I can give two rats asses about whales and eagles or old buildings that I never even cared to go into. Does it really make me that bad of a person because I simply do not care enough to join your crusade?

I'll give you another example. We all know Haiti was hit hard this past year and everyone worldwide openly reached out to help. It was a beautiful sight to see humanity come together to help those during this unfortunate disaster. This personally affected me too because some of my best friends are from Haiti. So I, like many other people donated and went to benefits/happy hours for Haiti relief.

Then one individual decided to throw a happy hour as a means to show her ability to "raise awareness" and prove that she can put something together in the eyes of her peers. Nothing about what she did was for Haiti. It was all self orchestrated for her own benefits. The cause was a timely excuse and to me that pissed me off. I don't care if the end result was people donated and you were able to "help the cause." It should have been pure from the start if you wanted to really help. So naturally I boycotted this event despite the end game.

I know...I'm a handful. This probably doesn't help my cause to get more people to talk to me about things ha. But to me things aren't so black and white. I wish it was as cut and dry as that but I just see things through too many perspectives to just automatically side with you because of xyz. You can take it how you want but that's just me.

Silence is if you want to talk let me know. Maybe we can view things through my purple colored shades.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

RyE On Superman

A couple of weeks ago there was this Comic Con in NYC. Big day for all the comic "geeks" out there to meet the almighty Stan Lee. I don't have too many comic geek friends around me with the exception of one little lady. And while I don't necessarily call myself a comic geek in today's standards (simply because I don't really know anything current going on with comics) I am still a big comic book enthusiast.

I grew up collecting comic cards at first with my cousin Katherine. She use to take me to Mike's Comic book shop on Northern Blvd every Tues/Weds to get the latest issues and trading cards. I had a binder with plastic little slots for all my Marvel Superhero's. It was actually my first true hobby in life. The cards spun onto collecting comics and getting lost in the world of fantasy. I wasn't a big DC guy (Batman, Superman for all you non comic followers) but I definitely knew of their history. I was more a Marvel Guy and loved all the characters they had from X-Men, to The Avengers, Thor, Captain America, and most of all Spider-Man.

As a kid I spent evvvvery penny I had to buy my comic books. My collection was pretty thorough. Sadly I don't know if they are in great condition as they have been locked away in my parents garage for storage since before I left high school. Maybe I'll go pick it out and relive some of my past stories.

Comics were an escape for me as a kid. I grew a very special correlation to Spider-Man. Skinny little boy from Queens raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Classic nerd in school picked on by bullies because he wasn't as big or as popular. However despite all the angst of childhood adolescents he still managed to be himself and get the girl next door (who just so happens to be smooooking ha). Oh yea and he gets bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes this super hero that sometimes get's in the way of his normal life...great stuff.

Point is that as an adult I still myself clinging onto these great fantasy worlds. I get excited when a Comic movie comes out. I try and see how true they are to the stories I read as a kid. I get upset when they don't follow it to a tee. I mentioned as a kid I was really into Spider-Man (still am) but as an adult I find myself more linked to Superman. Ironically enough a lot of my friends and family (not always in a good way) refer me to Superman. I always thought as a kid he was actually pretty lame because he was too powerful. I know he has Kryptonite but for the most part homey was invincible and nothing seemed too hard on the guy. I guess as a kid I couldn't relate to that so I was turned off by his cookie cutter mold.

However there is this show called Smallville that I have watched for the last 10 seasons (shhhhh). It tells the story of Clark Kent (I do hope you know who I am talking about) and how he turns into the legend we all know as Superman. Maybe I'm biased because I'm a comic fan but this series is awesome. Going into it's final 10th season it has stayed true (for the most part) to telling the story of Clark and not Superman. That meant no flying, no cape, and no reference to the name Superman.

This season is slightly different since it's the series finale. It's bringing everything full circle in order to lead up to that whole cape and flying Superman we all know today. This last episode really stood out for me as one of the best ones I saw. It was the turning point for Clark to realize his destiny to be the hero that we all know he will be. After watching this episode and the 9 seasons prior I realized that Superman did NOT have it that easy. That he struggled to balance this God like ability among humans which in turn made him all that more human.

I mentioned that those close to me sometimes refer me to Superman...or that I try too hard to be everything to everyone at all times. That is by default one of my many "downfalls." Not that it's so bad but I think it's taken its toll on me. I try to do everything the right way and be there for everyone without any thought or regard to my own. And by no means do I think that I regret anything or even would change it if I could. No everything I am today is because of what I have experienced in the past, right or wrong.

There was so many great things from this homecoming/flashback episode that I could relate to.

1) Embracing your fate:

Brainiac 5: Why won't you forgive yourself?
Clark: He didn't have a choice. He's my father, of course he'd sacrifice anything to protect me.
Brainiac 5: We always have a choice, Kal-El. Your father didn't have to care for you the way he did. Yet still he made that choice every day he was with you. He chose to be your protector. Just as you've chosen to be the Earth's protector. Nobody forced that on you, yet you embraced it. Nobody made that choice for you. We all chose our own fate.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I have put the burden of my family onto my shoulders. I worry about not being able to live up to their expectations as a man to provide. Yet I know that they don't put this on me. It is I who chose to take this responsibility and I who embraces it. Knowing this now though I realize that it is up to me to decide on what I want to do with my life and how I see fit.

2) Perfection:

Brainiac 5: The darkness is the past. And you hold onto it and you dwell. You punish yourself and everyone around you for past mistakes.
Clark: I don't have the privilege of mistakes. Even if we don't expect perfection, the rest of the world does. You heard what they said.
Brainiac 5: Then help Oliver be who he can be. Today, tomorrow. Be there for him now, and stop punishing him for his past with your silence and your distance. Let it go.

This is a double edged sword for me. For one I strive for perfection because I felt like everyone around me expects it. And much like the dialogue I too hold onto my past mistakes in order not to go through them again. This is when it comes to anything, love, life choices, career choices. I guarded myself from these mistakes and only hurt myself and others in the process because I never let anyone in. As for the second part in which Brainiac is telling Clark to be Oliver's friend I can relate to that. When things don't go my way or I feel a certain disconnect in how my friends go about their life I tend to cut them off. I don't do anything but keep my distance. I never realized how doing that only hurt myself in the process.

3) Lois Lane or Lana Lang

Maddy: Wait. So, you're not hitched to Clark?
Lois: Not exactly.
Maddy: Are you engaged?
Lois: No.
Maddy: Oh. How long have you been seeing each other?
Lois: Well, we're... not, really. Right now.
Maddy: So, you're the moth, not the flame.

This is every comic boy geeks thing....THE GIRL! For Spider-Man/Peter Parker it was Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy. Jean Grey even had Wolverine or Cyclops. And Superman had Lana and Lois. The reality of finding your true love is always something that any person can relate to. In life you come across great people who at the time you may think is THE ONE but until your last day you never know who was the one. In comics it's pretty spelled out for you so it takes that air of mystery out.

In this scene it's funny because Lana Lang was Clark's first true love and Lois hasn't been revealed to be the one even though we all know that Lois and Clark are meant to be. As cheesy as it may seem I feel like I've met my Lana...I just need to find my Lois. Or maybe I already have and like this scene...she just doesn't know it yet. (Editors note: Lois is totally the flame ha)

4) Hero

TV Reporter: I think our audience would like some answers.
Oliver: I lost someone. She meant everything to me.
TV Reporter: So, for that you want, what, a merit badge and special rights?
Oliver: No. No, you're right, I'm not special. This isn't about who I am, it's about what I do. And--and I don't think I'm the first rich boy who felt that way. It was John F. Kennedy who once said, "Ask not who what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
TV Reporter: So now you're comparing yourself to a fallen hero of this country?
Oliver: Well, why not? He saw the hero in all of us. I'm not dwelling on revenge for past atrocities, or looking ahead to what I can gain from a few tax breaks. Drilling oil wells in the ocean, putting up razor wire fences to keep out immigrants who only want what our grandparents wanted. In this world of armchair bloggers who created a generation of critics instead of leaders, I'm actually doing something. Right here, right now, for the city. For my country. And I'm not doing it alone. You're damned right I'm a hero.

I love the last lines. I firmly believe that there are too many talkers out there in this world. Too many people speaking their minds and not doing anything to back it up. I'm not much of a talker (despite this blog). I don't like tooting my own horn and expecting a parade for my accolades. I just want to do. And I want to do right. I need to embrace the fact that I am everything that I know I can be. I am a leader. It's proven and its a fact that in every situation I take that role. I'm not going to shy away from it because I'm afraid of what others think. And instead of feeling like my abilities will overshadow others I'm going to inspire people to do the same. To challenge me to be a better person so that I'm not alone in leaving my mark on this world.

Clark: I guess you're right. I've been so buried by the mistakes of my past, so worried about the responsibilities of the future, I lost sight of the present.
Brainiac 5: A hero is made in the moment. Not from questioning the past or fearing what's to come.

Friday, October 15, 2010

RyE On The Cypher

Too many Urkel's on your team that's why your Wins-LOW!

[Kanye West]
Uh, Good music, this our year
backing drums by DJ Premier
now let me count it down, who the f-ck up in here
Common, Don, Old G, battle rap, oh
that n-ggas know you can’t really f-ck with that
Pusha T, the Clipse just made a classic
Good music together we too Jurassic, you stay plastic

Ramadan with the flow, guaranteed everyone fasting
Big Sean is a don
Cyhi da Prince
why you so nervous dog stop being tense
if you aint talking bout Rash we aint got nothing in common
f-ck that and thats just common sense what the

[Pusha T]
Came in the game, 8 years prior
8 years later, your mans on fire
My Book of Eli, to all my subscribers
play the two doors, street car named desire
came in Grindin’, Ye’ came throught the wire
but at the crossroads, Bone thugs inspired
1st of the month, Trump to the buyers
rent too paid on the coupe you been fired
smooth criminal, no prior’s
man in the mirror, check no liar
still like that butterfly like Mariah
show me the money the black Jerry MaGuire
Tom Cruise on that couch if that money right
West Hollywood feels like a bunny night
with GOOD company and better jewelers
to the Good Life, we GOOD music

[Big Sean]
Man, I wake up to a wet dream
every day’s a Friday and every nights a sex scene
every week is fashion week and every day I’m pressed clean
Detroit’s Angel, I even got red wings
I’m headed to the ball, me and three prom queens
my life’s prom night and guess who’s the Prom King
they having a kissing fight and I’m Don King
everybody know I’m coming soon like LeBron’s ring
I’m Big L, Notorious, Big Pun, Shawn Carter, Sean Combs and Connery all in one
whoever told you sky’s the limit is looking dumb
cause I’m 22 and I’m moonwalking on the sun
oh thats your girl
she feelin on my water right next to a couple boaters
and she tryna motor boat her and im coming from the w-w-westside of the Motor
you might find banana clips ’cause it’s Guerilla warfare
last year I was watching this from the couch and now I’m here
thats to let you know what I’m about
reaper black suit cuz my whole team’s killing
had to keep setting trends cuz your whole team stealin
many tell me I’m the man I aint made it yet
tell me who the baddest, I’ll see if i see them naked yet
won’t stop til I get that Mercedes 700 CLK and Mercedes aint made it yet

[Cyhi Da Prince]
I’m Mr Got bread like Quizno’s
better known as MJ with the big nose
I swear your artist couldn’t see me on his tip toes
only on TV I gotta take a quick pose
let me stop I forgot this was a big show
and being dope made you broke I aint piss poor
I’m big poppa plus I’m 2pacalypto
my mind is a weapon what I need to pop a clip for
huh, I’m doing this for hip hop
Im coming after you, him and his spot
still tied to the streets like a ish knot
aint nothing fake, I’m not a Rolly with a tick tock
Atlanta repper in the home of the yankees
Rose wood suit on with the hanky
I got rich from the zones of the stanky
so everybody know my money long, lanky!
so I’m flexible stretching out my decimel’s
switching up the flow got the crowd going testicles
can’t bleep it out cuz there wasn’t nothing sexual
I’m blowing loud, somebody check the decibels
I’m impeccable they put me on the pedestal
and if you bite me, it’s good for you like a vegatable
shows by the several, schedule full of festivals
and if I ever do time than you know its federal
uh, incredible, yeah

F-f-fam fam fam I’ma monster too
you don’t see I do things that the monsters do
the incomparable, remarkable, articles
about my audio technique, my technique
I recognise games like the ESPY’s
cold to myself I say God Bless me the truth
so I speak live and directly
you, I will set free my mic is where my check be
rah, I echo, I echo, I echo, the sounds of the ghetto, future of the retro
prolly in the metro just so I can get dough
the name is Common but the frame is special
leave requested from the years I’ve invested
arrested, develop, addressed it, envelope
the body of the black party from Farley to Bob Marley
go home or go hard, at home is life hardly

[Kanye West]
the plan was to drink till the pain over
what’s worse, the pain or the hangover?
fresh air rolling down the window
too many urkels on your team thats why your Winslow
I sold my soul to the devil thats a crappy deal
least it came with a few toys like a happy meal
this game you could never win
cause they love you then they hate you then they love you again
get away from me loniless
get away from me misery
get away from me fake sh-t, I can’t take the phoniness
get away from me wack tracks
I can only make only hits
I’m an only child lost in the World
where did the lonely kids go when the bell ring
feeling like hell rings
bringing me back down
checking my background
its ironic whats happening
imagine if I didn’t have the ends
I would’nt have so many imaginary friends
I’m spaced out Dog, I be on that Moon talk
wonder if God ask Mike how to moon walk
I swear to momma wish me and my father talk more
Thats that vision around the time I was a sophmore
I guess everything I hate about me I see in him
and I aint finna change, so we’ll never agree again
just a few things pouring out my soul
Rosewood we could se her with our eyes closed

RyE On Caught Up

Friday, October 8, 2010

RyE On The Life & Times

When people describe this young man he is often described as a man of few words but with an open heart. His actions generally do the talking and his ability to show his honesty through his body of work has always shined. On the brink of success has been the tidal wave in which he always rode on. Pushing forward without looking back and through it all no one ever saw the dark holes and deprived attention he admittedly felt he should have had.

A somewhat volatile year(s) for a man struggling with inner peace and enough war inside of him to send him to the deep end. Now through all the trials and tribulations he is setting forth to reclaim a life he not only wants but he rightfully deserves.

Your a bit of a conundrum if I must say so myself. You tend to say your this or that and then go out and speak out against the very thing you claim you are. What is that?

Ha. Way to get this started. Yea I know that sounds like I'm a hypocrite. And honestly I'll admit I am. I like to speak my mind. I speak my mind better when I remove myself from the situation as opposed to being in the situation. It gives me a better sense of clarity. So often what I do for myself is not always the best thing for everyone else. I only know how to live my life the way I see it. And I don't know how to tell someone else to live theirs. I get paranoid at the responsibility of always living up to everyone's expectations. To be the best whatever...son, brother, cousin, friend, lover, employee, role model, its a trip to play all those parts to a tee! So when I do things I only know that I do it for me and hope it works but when someone asks for my opinion or looks to me like I'm a role model I'm like whoa whoa whoa. Hold up....lets not put me on any type of hot shit pedestal.

And speaking your mind...well that hasn't always been a good or necessarily a bad thing has it?

Not at all. Look I know I'm a calculated motherfucker. The shit I'm saying now is calculated but I am being honest as well. It's up to you to decide on what you want to take from this. When I say how I feel I say it because I'm passionate about it. But I also know that sometimes people aren't always going to agree with me and that's ok. I honestly don't care if 98% of the world says I'm an asshole because of what I say. I got a solid 2% of people that know I've been eating humble pie all my life and that trumps the rest of the world.

So then tell me why do you get so upset about all those people who are always "speaking their mind and keeping it real"

That keeping it real phrase is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. I seriously think its a cop out phrase that allows idiots and too quick tounged individuals to just say whatever the fuck they want and stamp it with a "I'm just keeping it real" as to justify their words. I told you I'm a calculated individual. Words have a lot of meaning. America is built on the freedom of speech but we are probably one of the strictest nations in censorship compared to other countries. And the problem is people just like to talk with no sense of responsibility. They say shit without thinking about the consequences of their words. Look at the tragedies in the last several years with bullying and hate. People go out and just kill themselves or harm others and its fucked up. But that's the big picture. That shit needs to stop without a doubt. I think what you are trying to get at are the people that I surround myself in. Well yea those fuckers just love to talk for the sake of talking. I don't get into it so I just ignore their lame ass. But I will say this...there's a difference between "keeping it real" and being two seconds shy of a slap across your face.

You have a history of anger management issues correct.

Did I not just threaten someone? Ha. Yes. Yes I do.

Want to expand more on it?

Not really. Only because I don't know why I have them.

You mentioned that it is the one aspect about yourself that terrifies you the most.

Sure it does. Because I have no control over it. First and foremost let me just say I have never ever ever ever hit a woman. My anger issues are internal. The way they manifest goes back to what I said earlier about words. That's why I'm calculated. Because I have a very difficult time holding back on how I feel. And I've hurt a lot of people in my life through my words. Sometimes the words did translate into physical violence. I would get into fights, punch back, start shit and that's when people started to say "hey man you need to take control of this." I was a reckless kid. Growing up I was always the small dude in the class so maybe I had this complex where I felt the need to prove something of myself to the others because I wasn't as tall or built like them.

And so you went through anger management..

Twice. Once in high school because I was going through dumbass shit over a girl ha. And again in college due to a misdemeanor. But did that... and my record is as clean as a whistle!

Yet you still struggle with that concept.

I struggle with control. Control is a dangerous feeling. It's almost an addiction. I grew up with no control. Over my health, over my decisions and over everyone in my family because I was one of the youngest ones. Then one day I got control over my health. I started being self reliant and it felt like for the first time I was alive. It changed everything for me. I started to associate control with living. So long as I had control I was living the life I wanted and that's all that mattered. Problem was that I can't control everything in life. And it's only recently now that I've come to learn that and make necessary changes in order to live a better life.

And that brings us to where you are today. It seems like in the last three years you haven't been in control. You have had multiple hospital stints, rare public outbursts, seclusion, hidden affairs, insomnia, a possible medication dependency and even rumors of a depression.

To be continued.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

RyE On Getting Lonely Too

Friday, October 1, 2010

RyE On A Summer Love Affair

The End of Summer is always bittersweet for me. I love the fall (maybe cuz I was born in this season) but I get sad with the "end". I am about to confess something. I have had a summer love affair for several years. Its a very seasonal relationship. I drive to visit in April to see her beauty shaping up for the summer. I prep it all out to see her new surroundings for when I come to see her.

And I must confess besides my family no one ever knew her except me for the longest time. I kept her a secret to the world around me because she was just too beautiful and pure. I did not want to share it. But as we grew up and life started to push us into other directions I realized that my secret wouldn't be much of a secret too long.

So eventually she met my closest friends. My boys met her and I knew from the start they too would come to find out the beauty I saw in her. Instantly they were hooked and it felt great to be able to share her with more people in my world.

The love affair would continue to blossom over time. I never disrespected her but we always knew that summertime would end and so our relationship must end as well. Distance and the cold just don't mix for us although we did try to make it work.

Its funny that up until these last recent years I was always somehow single in the summertime to rekindle our relationship and explore it so honestly with no trappings or faults of the place I leave behind when I saw her. But I noticed that as years went by she matured and more people started to recognize her and what was my secret was eventually going to be exposed.

I took it in stride and I remember bringing an end to that summer knowing the next and sequential summers would no longer just be us. It was 06 and I had a gf at the time. I didn't bring her around to see my summer love till the summer was over. But she was great and showed my gf all the wonderful things about herself that I see, much like she did for my boys. And so my gf came the next two years afterwards and life really started to come between me and my summer love. That's when things started to change.

See she has always been my outlet from the world which is why I never wanted to bring my world to her. Only to a select few and even those individuals I didn't want them to fully know her. There was always one person though in my life that I wanted her to meet. A kindred soul of mine that I felt could give my friend the escape I got when being with her. Then one day last year that day came. And man what a wirldwind of change life has been.

This summer I shared my summer love affair with my world. We spent countless weekends and long holidays together. I saw new things and experienced new feelings for you all with company. And it felt good....amazingly good. For all the storms we weathered through. The starlight gazing and sunsets. The fire pits and dancing at the spot. The local bands we would share and listen to along with endless wandering. Learning how to surf and allowing the genesis of love from others to spur. Yes there was some heartache but my summer love will always be my outlet, my haven and I will miss you till we see each other again.

Till next summer my love. Take care M.T.K

RyE On The Good Life

Please excuse me I am about to verbally vomit.

A friend of mine who actually inspired me to get into this blog world after many failed attempts of trying to get me hooked on internet social places brought up a point to me. I am too private to really cater to this world yet hypocritical enough to not want to sit on the sideline and not be apart of it. So I join. I get into things and then I lose passion in it till I can find change. I don't really think I'm a blogger. I find myself just typing shit out and seeing how it sticks. She said that I blog the way she used to blog. Meaning it was only when major things were going on that she would write. Too emotional. She said you know what changed me? I said no what? And she replied you!

Naturally that got me thinking. I have a world of talent and an ability to (good or bad) influence folks. Don't believe me just ask her ha. My problem is that for all my attributes I downplay them because I'm scared. I'm scared of what I can do and scared of knowing I can attain anything in this life. Because what if I fail? I'm scared to admit when I know I am right. I'm scared to admit that I can tell my friends to reach for the heavens and push them to better themselves but I can't tell myself that. Because what if I fail? I have lived my life on sacrifices for others. My friends and family members alike. I find my happiness in their success and joy. I admit I don't reflect enough on my own but I push myself to get to where I am today. I did everything by the book.

Went to to get ahead....job right out of school..worked up the ranks FAST...saved...bought a place I can call home. Not bad for a 20 something kid out of Queens huh? Only problem is that while some see that as success I see it as a path to someone else's dreams. I did it all for others and I'm here literally bleeding out my life just to regain sense of what makes me live.

See nothing about what I did was about me to the core. I did what people EXPECTED of me to do. I am the other prodigal son. All the titles and awards I ranked up. The high salary and praise at an early age means nothing to me as I feel empty inside.

Life is not measured on success and failure. I think its made up of life choices and how you define yourself in those choices, good bad or indifferent is what makes life worth living. Failure means trying. If you are too scared to try you will never live. And I? Want to live. I want to be happy. And I will do that selfishly because if failure is to living well then I am not afraid to fail.

I hope you can see it in me. I want to live The Good Life.

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