Welcome to another new mini-series installment in my Blog.
It was first grade when I first met Stephanie. She was the smallest girl in class and I was the smallest boy in class. She had big thick glasses, big ears (sorry but hey you grew into them!). She wore her hair one way everyday. A little french braided pony tail that landed a little past the middle of her tiny back. She pulled it altogether with this hair piece that I always stared at. It had a tiny little Asian doll in the centerpiece with a butterfly in the background.
As I sat behind her everyday in class I always caught myself daydreaming staring into this hair piece. I never really knew why but every time she would turn around to pass me something the teacher was distributing she always caught me in a daze.
But I was in the first grade and I didn't even know what these feelings were about. Fast forward to the Fourth Grade. I decided to step up! We were on the second floor of the school building and began to change class rooms with the upper classes. (4-8th graders switch class and have different teachers for each class room). This was the first time I would walk the halls and see all my older cousins so I felt like a big man on campus! If I was going to tell Steph how I felt I was going to tell her this year!
Lets jump a lifetime back to the present. 1st grade was a LONG time ago for me. But I always remembered my first time seeing Steph. I don't recall though how we even got to the point where we were Rye & Steph for a good portion of our early lives. Then one day in 2009 I met up with Steph before she embarked on a new journey in life. She came with an envelope that simply said "Rye..." She told me to look at them when she left and so I waited till we said goodbye that night.
I opened up this bulky envelope and saw all these photos of us when we were kids and a bunch of folded up little pieces of papers. I opened up one and saw "To Steph..."
They were all my notes to her that I use to pass when we were in school together! Ironically she hit me up via text as I opened the first letter and said..."I hope you like your present. I wanted you to have these to remember us. I kept all the ones I wanted to keep :). Love you see you soon."
So here's how Rye Met Steph...(written verbatim)
To Steph
If your wondering if I like you the answer is yes. I liked you ever since the first grade, I guess I kept it a secret till the forth (Editors note: I misspelled fourth) grade I think. The reason why I like is your sweet (bad grammar), nice, kind, funny & really cute, your also pretty. I got all my stuff for my costume I just don't have the mask. Does any one know about you & me, if so please tell me. (scratched out "Are you going as the same") Paul thinks I'm weird because I like you, what's his promblem (yea..I was a terrible speller) with you. My little cousin is going to be a white cat fo Halloween. Oh well I guess this is the part of the letter where you say good-bye. So goodbye =)
Ryan B
PS. This is how you write my last name, "______" Please write back.
To be continued.
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