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Friday, November 5, 2010

RyE on So You Want to Date a B! (Preface and Prologue)

If you have been a faithful follower of my blog (which I praise and bless you for keeping up with my silly rants) then I think you can guess...I'm not that great with women! Well let me restate and clarify that. I AM great with women. I'm just not great at PICKING women. They are either doormats...fresh out of a relationship...looking for the "nice guy"....or involved (shhhhhh!). In other words I tend to go with the crazy ones. Then again every girl is crazy. But I? I shoot for bat shit crazy. What can I say I'm a masochist...and honestly....crazy girls make relationships fun. Anyway I digress.

I've been meaning to do this for some time. I've noticed that while I may have my issues in picking women it takes a very strong individual to date a B! What the B stands for? Well you will need to read these blogs in order to find out. Consider this a manual...a how to guide. Along the way I'll be giving my thoughts on the female kind. Male thoughts vs Female thoughts on various topics. How I feel about love and all that gushy shit. But before I do that let me set this up.


For as long as I can remember I've been inspired by women. I've been infatuated with their whole make up. Not talking about the stuff they put on their face but rather what makes them women. From the clothes they wear, to the scent of perfume they put on, and how they carry themselves. 

If you ask any man what they like in a woman (and this could be very well true for most females too) they would probably go along the lines of...funny, sweet,intelligent, and good looking.....

Way to be generic buddy.  Granted I too look for things in a woman but all my life I've pretty much studied the female behavior. And quite frankly I still don't get it! But I love women. I love their minds, their conversations, their emotions, and how they express them. I love the way they can show love because that is the most important factor in it all. 

In my young life I've had the opportunity to interact with so many diverse women from all over the world. Each woman I met was different and unique in their own right. I've had the pleasure of dating several different women with many different backgrounds. Like Big Pun said...I don't discriminate I regulate every shade of that...aaaaaaaand I'm digressing again (Did I really just quote Big Pun?). 

I also have an admission to make. I don't really believe in "the one." Or even being with your soul mate. I happen to be a marathon dater. For those that don't know what that means it means that I go from one long relationship to the next. And it's not so much that I get over a girl easily it just happened that way. And in each one of the girls I dated for X amount of years I find myself learning more about myself and what I want out of a woman. 

For that matter, as you grow, your taste grows, so does your interest in what you find in a partner. I certainly don't believe that the one girl I met in Jr. High will fit me more perfectly than the seven other billion woman out there that I will happen to meet when I'm 30 or so. No I think that we all have countless other "better halves." The key is timing and finding that better half at the right time or knowing you found that person and taking a leap with it. It may not even be in this life time (hell it could be in another life time if you believe in that sort of thing) but the key is knowing what you have. 

With all these experiences I'd like to share them with you as you go through my journey and all the ups and downs of my so called love life.


My mom always told me one of the most important decisions I'll ever have to make is who I want to bring into the family and start a family with. As a child I never quite understood that. As I grew up and started dating it became abundantly clear to me. Crystal clear in fact what she meant. You see...I have a LARGE family. My father is one of 10 and my mother is one of 7. Both sides of the family are super close. That means when we have "family gatherings" I'm not just talking about mom and dad and my sister coming for dinner. I'm talking all 8 Tito's and 8 Tita's and all my cousins. My cousins on my dads side all happen to range from the oldest to the youngest about a 15 year gap. So we are all very much close in the sense that we are almost like brothers and sisters. When we got to that age of dating I never thought much about bringing them around the family. For the most part all the girls I started dating were from school so they already knew my parents and my cousins. 

What I didn't know was how all of them truly felt about the girls I brought home. Here I am thinking that I bring home my first girlfriend, all sweet innocent little Stephanie (See How Rye Met Steph) and my parents an family love her. Boy was I wrong. (I'm terribly sorry Steph if you are reading this and this is news to you!) 

My mother absolutely HATED her. And my cousins? They felt she wouldn't be a good fit in the family or make a good wife for me. Now before I even go any further please note that Stephanie and I started dating in like the 4th grade and all throughout high school. BUT mi familia?? They thought this back in the FOURTH GRADE. It is absolutely asinine to think that at such a young age my cousins would think that.
As the years went by and I started dating other women who didn't have the luxury of meeting my family as they met me and introducing them to the fam was like strategic warfare. I had to lay out the family tree and give characteristics on all of them:

The point I'm trying to make is that in order to date kinda have to go through them...

Don't worry...You'll survive...I hope! :)


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